Fun, Food & Friends 18+

Fun, Food & Friends 18+

Let’s reduce the isolation and adopt healthy practices! We enjoy making healthy snacks together and discussing common interests of the group. Guest speakers are invited frequently & online gatherings occur the first Tuesday of the month. Virtual Sessions: Oct 1,...


Bingo Afternoon at Kinbridge! Join us the first Monday of every month, for an interactive afternoon of Bingo! Get a chance to play games, win prizes and connect! Refreshments available! $2 drop in fee to play
PD Day at Kinbridge

PD Day at Kinbridge

May 31st we are hosting a day camp for young students and a babysitting course for those looking to update their babysitting skills! You can register today! There will be pizza lunch available for only $2 a slice! Gluten options available. PD days are a good...
Fun, Food & Friends 18+

Fun, Food & friends

Let’s reduce the isolation and adopt healthy practices! We enjoy making healthy snacks together and discussing common interests of the group. Guest speakers are invited frequently & online gatherings occur the first Tuesday of the month.